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 Culture =  a group of people who share the same values 


Truth City was birthed out of Truth.  We know the transformative power of Truth.  Truth is defined as sincerity in action, character, and utterance.  Truth creates cultures that are healthy, pure, and authentic. Truth preserves a people.  {Preserves – to keep safe from injury, harm, or destruction; to protect. To keep alive, intact, and free from decay.}  Truth is the guiding force to purpose.



We are fully aware of and walk in our Kingdom inheritance.  We believe that the Kingdom of God should be seen and experienced at the level that it warrants.  We are intentionally meticulous, comprehensive, creative, and innovative. From the small detail to the largest presentation, we want everyone who encounters Truth City to know they’ve entered into a Kingdom encounter.   



Whether you are giving or receiving kindness, it feels great!  The bonus is it doesn’t cost anyone anything. Kindness spreads quickly and easily.  Kindness is healing. Science continues to show that kindness can instantly reduce anxiety and stress, thus reducing the effect of a wide range of diseases and disorders. Kindness opens our hearts to receive.  



We have a high regard for the inherent dignity and worth of all people.  We are intentional in being considerate and honorable up, down, and all around.  We uphold, appreciate, value, recognize, and show consideration and courtesy to everyone in our community.  The key to Truth City, is that we do all of these things not just when others are watching/reading but we do it in people’s absence  because it’s in our DNA to do so.    



To serve others you must first see them, and to lift them you must first love them.  We believe in using our hands to show our hearts.  At the top of every month, we serve our city in various ways and locations. Come join us in paying it forward.

Truth City Cares.



At Truth City “Everybody is Somebody!”  We genuinely love people where they are, and for who they are.  You don’t have to perform for it, ask for it, or question it; you only need to receive it.  You matter to God, and you matter to the entire Truth City family. Welcome to a love you can actually trust!



We believe in God’s pursuit of the long shot, the second chance, and the comeback story.  We believe that God will leave the 99 for the hope of returning with the 1. No one is too far-gone for a turn around.



We hustle, we grind, and we produce!  We’re intentional about our God given pursuits.  We work smart. We don’t control outcomes, but we do control output.  We pray like it depends on God, and work like it depends on us.



We don’t just grind, we literally laugh out loud every day!  All of our planning, labor, and exploits are filled with fun and joy.  We believe in enjoying God, enjoying the life God has blessed us with, enjoying each other, enjoying the journey, and enjoying serving this present generation.



We trust God!  We believe the word of God!  We know the power of the declared word of God!  We take chances. We don’t play it safe while people are hurting.  We’re making critical faith moves for people that we haven’t even met yet.  By faith…



We are here to serve the present age while simultaneously reaching and preparing our future.  Truth City is committed to giving the Now and Next generation the tools they will need to live out their faith with courage and expand the Kingdom of God in the earth.  Our aim is to fill our community with the hope found solely in Jesus, which will sustain them throughout their years, and shine thru them as they engage this current ever evolving culture.  We build runways for the future.

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Sunday Afternoons @1:00pm

9901 Allentown Rd. | Fort Washington, MD 20744

© 2018 TRUTH CITY All Rights Reserved

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