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We dream of a church where the ultimate authority is God’s word; where it is our manual and anchor for all aspects of life and wisdom; where it is presented powerfully, creatively, and with relevance; where it is taught with revelation, heard with anticipation, and applied with expectation by children, youth, and adults.  


We dream of a church  that is lead by leaders of character, integrity, and courage; where the leaders strive to live what is taught; where the leaders are honored to be trusted to serve, and they continuously renew their commitment to guide the flock in both word and deed.


We dream of a church where every member is fully known and fully loved; where every member feels safe in God’s house and with God’s set leadership; where every member is connected to a smaller group of like-minded friends who experience authentic truthful community, and unconditional support and love.


We dream of a church  where men and women understand their divine purpose and operate according to the spiritual gifts and talents given to them by the Holy Spirit. They are committed to consistent growth and development so that they impact the world according to God’s original design for them.


We dream of a church where city leaders value the church’s friendship and participation in impacting the community – even asking for it; where we serve the communities needs with intention and gladness; where the community is genuinely thankful for the church’s presence, and is actually transformed because of it.


We dream of a church where growth is not only welcomed, but is anticipated as the norm; where the heartbeat of every person is for touching and transforming lives through the truth of God’s word shared, taught, preached, and lived out before others.

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Sunday Afternoons @1:00pm

9901 Allentown Rd. | Fort Washington, MD 20744

© 2018 TRUTH CITY All Rights Reserved

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